- 背景颜色 : #008c9d
- 纵向坐标 : 43.645%
- 横向坐标 : 14.89%
- 链接 : /product/16.html
- 箭头方向 : bottom
- lat数值 : 14.667297372615826
- lng数值 : -86.33056640625
序号 | 产品名称 | 商品名 | 类型 |
1 | 2,4-滴 24 % + 毒莠定 6.4 % SL | PASCLEAN 30.4 SL | 除草剂 |
2 | 嘧菌酯 20 % + 环唑醇 8 % SC | ARTAXX PLUS 28 SC | 杀菌剂 |
3 | 氯虫苯甲酰胺 20 % SC | EFICAZ 20 SC | 杀虫剂 |
4 | 百菌清 720 SC | GILONIL 72 SC | 杀菌剂 |
5 | 异噁草松 11.4 % + 敌稗 45.6 % EC | POWERFUL 57 EC | 除草剂 |
6 | 氯氰菊酯 25 % EC | ESMERALDA 25 EC | 杀虫剂 |
7 | 环唑醇 30 % + 噻虫嗪 30 % WG | LIGERO 60 WG | 杀菌剂 |
8 | 烯酰吗啉 12 % + 唑菌胺酯 6.7 % WG | GILPAMOR 18.7 WG | 杀菌剂 |
9 | 敌草隆 80 % WG | ROCA 80 WG | 除草剂 |
10 | 甲维盐 5 % SG | GILEMA 5 SG | 杀虫剂 |
11 | 丁苯吗啉 88 OL | GILEMA 88 OL | 杀菌剂 |
12 | 氟虫腈 200 SC | FIPRONIL 20 SC | 杀虫剂 |
13 | 草铵膦铵盐 20 % SL | AVANZADA 20 SL | 除草剂 |
14 | 草铵膦铵盐 800 SG | AVANZADA 80 SG | 除草剂 |
15 | 吡虫啉 15 % + 硫双威 45 % SC | AZOTE 60 SC | 杀虫剂 |
16 | 吡虫啉 70 % WG | CHASE 70 WG | 杀虫剂 |
17 | 异噁唑草酮 75 WG | FORTIN 75 WG | 除草剂 |
18 | 四聚乙醛 6 % GR | PARED 6 GR | 杀虫剂 |
19 | 甲氧虫酰肼 8 % + 阿维菌素 2 % SC | AUDAZ 10 SC | 杀虫剂 |
20 | 乙氧氟草醚 24 EC | GILOX 24 EC | 除草剂 |
21 | 五氟磺草胺 24 % SC | GILSULAM 24 SC | 除草剂 |
22 | 吡唑醚菌酯 + 苯醚甲环唑 32.87 EC | GUARDIA 32.87 EC | 杀菌剂 |
23 | 吡唑醚菌酯 12.8 % + 啶酰菌胺 25.2 % WG | GILPRABOS 38 WG | 杀菌剂 |
24 | 吡唑醚菌酯 13.3 % + 氟环唑 5 % SE | GILPEXO 18.3 SE | 氟环唑 |
25 | 吡唑醚菌酯 25 % EC | GILSTROBIN 25 EC | 杀菌剂 |
26 | 二氯喹啉酸 35 SC | GILCLOR 35 SC | 除草剂 |
27 | 乙基多杀菌素 6 % SC | PADRINO 6 SC | 杀虫剂 |
28 | 多杀菌素 12 % SC | NATURAL 12 SC | 杀虫剂 |
29 | 螺虫乙酯 15 % OD | CROWN 15 OD | 杀虫剂 |
Related Information
It's been 40 years since Gilmore started the business in global crop protection. Gilmore has built its reputation in the global business with high quality products, on time shipments, professional registration team and full data packages for our registrations.
It's been 40 years since Gilmore started the business in global crop protection. Gilmore has built its reputation in the global business with high quality products, on time shipments, professional registration team and full data packages for our registrations.
It's been 40 years since Gilmore started the business in global crop protection. Gilmore has built its reputation in the global business with high quality products, on time shipments, professional registration team and full data packages for our registrations.
It's been 40 years since Gilmore started the business in global crop protection. Gilmore has built its reputation in the global business with high quality products, on time shipments, professional registration team and full data packages for our registrations.
It's been 40 years since Gilmore started the business in global crop protection. Gilmore has built its reputation in the global business with high quality products, on time shipments, professional registration team and full data packages for our registrations.
It's been 40 years since Gilmore started the business in global crop protection. Gilmore has built its reputation in the global business with high quality products, on time shipments, professional registration team and full data packages for our registrations.

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